
Sarah’s LeanWithLesley Journey ❤️

I was so happy when Sarah Hegarty agreed happily to share her LeanWithLesley story because it’s such an inspiring one!  

In just 5 weeks Sarah lost 12lbs (5.2kgs)and, the one I totally love, she has reduced her body fat percentage by7%!  

After Christmas just gone, Sarah decided she wanted to feel fitter and stronger and to lose some weight and that’s exactly what happened by following the LWL food plan and keeping to the portion sizes recommended and of course making the time for her personal fitness by smashing 4 LeanWithLesley Workouts every week Basically - Sarah gave it everything for the 4 Weeks, serious commitment!!

The LWL Challenge is designed for weight loss and to reduce body fat but even after the 14 Days or 4 Weeks (however long you take on the challenge) 

I recommend that you continue making the food choices that you made during that time but become familiar with the amount of that food you need to be eating to maintain your ideal body weight and body fat percentage, that place where you feel super fit and super confident. This will vary for everyone depending on the amount of activity and type of activities you take on in your life.  But one thing is for certain, we will provide you with support and encouragement to make that happen. The LWL recipes are delicious and simple and will provide us with a variety of real healthy food that is good for us and will help us to keep full of energy and feeling happy and the workouts will have us in tip top shape, burning metabolic rate, building lean muscle and toning our bodies to look so hot 🔥❤️

Lesley XX