6 Amazing Health Benefits of Drinking Water
We all know that drinking water regularly is good for the body. But most of us probably don’t realize just how important being properly hydrated is for our health. In fact, every system in the human body counts on water to function.
Approximately two-thirds of the adult human body is made of water. And did you know your tissues and organs are mainly made up of water? Your brain is 80% water, your muscles (including your heart) are 75% water, your blood is 83% water, your lungs are 90% water, your skin is 64% water, and even your bones are 30% water!
It is important to think of water as a nutrient your body needs. When you’re in need of brain-healthy nutrients, you might also be at a disadvantage, but don’t forget to start with hydration. According to studies, thirsty participants who drank water before performing cognitive tasks reacted faster than people who didn’t drink water beforehand.
Here are 6 important reasons why you should stay hydrated and the benefits of drinking water for your health.
Brain Function & Connectivity
Since your brain is mostly water, drinking it helps you in a number of ways, including:
- Improving concentration and cognition
- Helping to balance your mood and emotions
- Maintaining memory function
- Increasing blood flow and oxygen to your brain
- Preventing and relieving headaches
- Reducing Stress
Weight Loss
Drinking water helps you lose weight by acting as an effective appetite suppressant so you will feel fuller and eat less – all with zero calories! Drinking plenty of water also prevents fluid retention, because your body won’t try to retain water if it’s getting enough. Managing your cravings could be as simple as drinking more water.
Additionally, multiple research studies have demonstrated that drinking a large, cool glass of water will increase your metabolism by 24-30% for up to 90 minutes.
Your body fluids transport waste products in and out of your cells, while your kidneys and liver flush those waste products and other toxins out of your body. However, this process can only work properly and efficiently if you are well hydrated. When you are not drinking enough water, you are at an increased risk of developing kidney stones and experiencing urinary tract infections.
Maintain Regularity in Digestion
Sufficient hydration keeps things flowing along your gastrointestinal tract and helps prevent constipation. Water helps dissolve waste particles and passes them smoothly through your digestive tract. If you’re dehydrated, your body pulls water from your stools to maintain hydration, leaving your colon dry and making it more difficult to pass waste.
Healthy Muscles & Recovery
Being adequately hydrated is very important when exercising. Drinking water helps prevent muscle cramping and lubricates the joints in your body.
Additionally, drinking water can actually make your muscles stronger. Water carries oxygen to the cells of your body, including those of your muscles. Being well hydrated enables your muscles to work longer and harder before they feel tired and this will help you build muscle.
Youthful Skin
Your skin contains lots of water and functions as a protective barrier to prevent excess fluid loss. Drinking plenty of water hydrates skin cells and plumps them up, making your face look younger. Water helps to replenish skin tissues, moisturizes your skin, and increases the elasticity of your skin. It also flushes out impurities and improves circulation and blood flow, helping your skin glow.
As you can see, proper hydration is critical to health and vitality. It is recommended that you drink about 2 litres of water a day. If you find it hard to fit in your water, aim to have your water bottle nearby all the time, so that you can take regular small sips as often as possible. Before you know it, you will be looking for that water bottle as it becomes a habit in your daily routine.